....A sense of relief is what I need.
The other day I took a lunch break from work and decided to take a walk instead of the usual eating out. It was a beautiful day anyway and I needed time alone. As I began walking around campus I started asking myself,"Have I been taking care of you?"and "Is there 'unfinished business' that I still have suppressed inside that's making me feel incomplete?" As I was walking I couldn't help but ponder that during this time I've been helping others I've been also neglecting myself. To be honest it's hard to look at yourself and see all these imperfections when the world sees you as someone else; it's the hardest thing to admit "I need help" when the world thinks your stable. Physically I'm a strong person, but mentally I'm so weak.
As these thoughts started penetrating through my mind I began to feel a little anxious. I like when I get a little anxiety though because I get things done. I began walking towards the Counseling and Psychological Center that's on the campus I work for and finally I walked-in. Finally I arrived to a place where I felt safe and secure to let all that was suppressed in me, spew out.
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