After so many years I finally opened you up once again. I turned the key to unlock my memories and there I saw my first entrance was 12 yrs ago, December 14, 1997. I read all my foolish thoughts about particular boys that I had MAJOR crushes on and read all my love notes that I shoved in there long ago.
I had 2 rings left inside; I'd forgotten about that boy in 7th grade who asked me to keep this ring as a token of his love. I thought I gave it back to him because my mom asked me to return it to him, plus I wasn't too fond of him myself. The second ring was from not a boy but a young man who did care for me, but I was waaay too young to appreciate and take relationships seriously like he was. He engraved his name on the ring, and as time keeps passings it's turning slightly bronzed. - Memories...

Reading you, I also saw the torn pages that I ripped out with frustration and anger because I felt like no one was listening nor understanding me. I read the parts about my weight and how horrible of an issue it was for me, and how I wished so many times that I could heal my eating disorder. I read about the time I cut myself just to relieve the pain I was going through. I read about the time my favorite cousin died and how hard it was for me to deal with his death. I read about the time where I wished I was dead.- memories....

Reading you, I also saw the torn pages that I ripped out with frustration and anger because I felt like no one was listening nor understanding me. I read the parts about my weight and how horrible of an issue it was for me, and how I wished so many times that I could heal my eating disorder. I read about the time I cut myself just to relieve the pain I was going through. I read about the time my favorite cousin died and how hard it was for me to deal with his death. I read about the time where I wished I was dead.- memories....
I'm so glad that I kept you because now I can reflect and appreciate the life I have now and see how much progress I truly made from then until now. Thank you Diary for letting me vent to you through all my troubled years and all my happy ones. You were my best friend, the greatest listener one could ever have.
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